Giacomo Cavedone (Sassuolo, Italy, 1577 - Bologna, Italy, 1660)
Giacomo Cavedone (Sassuolo, Italy, 1577 - Bologna, Italy, 1660) Susanna and the Elders Oil on canvas, without frame cm. 97 x 75 - with frame cm. 123.5 x 100 Publications: E. Negro, N. Roio, Giacomo Cavedone 1577-1660, Modena 1996, pp....
35.000 €
Gian Giacomo Barbelli (Offanengo, Italy, 1604 - Calcinato, Italy, 1656)
Gian Giacomo Barbelli (Offanengo, Italy, 1604 - Calcinato, Italy, 1656) Hell and heaven Oil on canvas, without frame cm. 72 x 55 - with frame cm. 90 x 73 Previously in the Koelliker collection (inv. no. LK0431) Publications: C. Alpini,...
35.000 €
Giovan Battista Beinaschi (Fossano, Italy, 1634 or 1636 - Naples, Italy, 1688)
Giovan Battista Beinaschi (Fossano, Italy, 1634 or 1636 - Naples, Italy, 1688) Saint Bartholomew Oil on canvas, without frame cm. 96 x 71.5 - with frame cm. 108 x 86 Shaped and gilded wood cassetta frame Expertise by Francesco Petrucci...
19.000 €
Giovan Battista Discepoli, known as the Lame from Lugano (Castagnola - Lugano, Switzerland, 1590 – Lugano, Switzerland, 1654)
Giovan Battista Discepoli, known as the Lame from Lugano (Castagnola - Lugano, Switzerland, 1590 – Lugano, Switzerland, 1654) Crowning with thorns Oil on panel, without frame cm. 34.2 x 39.5 - with frame cm. 46 x 52 Box frame in shaped...
25.000 €
Giovanni Battista Spinelli (Chieti, Italy, 1613 - Ortona, Italy, 1647)
Giovanni Battista Spinelli (Chieti, Italy, 1613 - Ortona, Italy, 1647) Jacob's dream Oil on canvas, without frame cm. 98 x 135 - with frame cm. 108 x 145 Expertise by Professor Nicola Spinosa Publications: I. Maniscalco, in From Sacred to...
48.000 €
Giovanni Domenico Gambone (1720 - 1793)
Giovanni Domenico Gambone (1720 - 1793) Pair of Capricci Oil on canvas, cm. 85 x 112 Expertise by Professor Giancarlo Sestrieri This pair of paintings by Giovanni Domenico Gambone (1720 - 1793) depicts an architectural capriccio with archaeological ruins and...
15.000 €
Giovanni Giacomo Sementi (Bologna, 1580 - Roma, 1636) - Pier Francesco Cittadini (Milano, 1616 - Bologna, 1681)
Giovanni Giacomo Sementi (Bologna, 1580 - Roma, 1636) - Pier Francesco Cittadini (Milano, 1616 - Bologna, 1681) Danae Olio su tela, senza cornice cm. 119 x 179 - con cornice cm. 140 x 200 x 12  Perizia del Professore Giancarlo...
140.000 €
Giovanni Girolamo Bonesi (Bologna, Italy, 1653 - 1725)
Giovanni Girolamo Bonesi (Bologna, Italy, 1653 - 1725) Madeleine Oil on canvas, without frame cm. 110 x 80 - with frame cm. 140 x 117 Beautiful original frame in carved, sculpted and gilded wood Oral expertise by Professor Massimo Pulini
29.000 €
Giovanni Maria Butteri (Firenze, 1540 - 1606)
Giovanni Maria Butteri (Firenze, 1540 - 1606) Ritratto di Francesco I Olio su tavola, senza cornice cm. 47.7 x 39 - con cornice cm. 55.2 x 46.5 Perizia del Professore Carlo Falciani Fiere: BIAF - Biennale Internazionale dell’Antiquariato di Firenze...
35.000 €
Giovanni Stefano Danedi, known as Montalto (Treviglio, Italy, 1612 - Milan, Italy, 1690)
Giovanni Stefano Danedi, known as Montalto (Treviglio, Italy, 1612 - Milan, Italy, 1690) Madonna with Child and angels Oil on panel, without frame cm. 58 x 36 - with frame cm. 83 x 61 19th century shaped and gilded wooden frame...
23.000 €
Girolamo Troppa (Torri in Sabina, Italy, 1636 - Rome, Italy, 1710)
Girolamo Troppa (circle of) (Torri in Sabina, Italy, 1636 - Rome, Italy, 1710) The prophet Habakkuk Oil on canvas, 90 x 114 cm - with frame cm. 132x108 Ancient box frame in partially carved, gilded wood and ebonized parts Attributed...
10.000 €
Giuseppe Antonio Pianca (Agnona di Borgosesia/VC, 1703 – post 1757)
Giuseppe Antonio Pianca (Agnona di Borgosesia/VC, 1703 – post 1757) Shepherd with goat and river Oil on canvas, cm. 49x57 - with frame cm. 67x77 Ancient box frame in shaped, ebonized wood and gold decorations Placed on the bank of...
21.000 €
Giuseppe Bonito (Castellammare di Stabia, Italy, 1707 – Naples, Italy, 1789)
Giuseppe Bonito (Castellammare di Stabia, Italy, 1707 – Naples, Italy, 1789) The study of the Painter or Allegory of Painting Oil on canvas, without frame 40.5 x 64 cm - with frame cm. 58 x 80.5 Ancient frame in shaped and...
39.000 €
Giuseppe Caletti (1600 - Ferrara, Italy, 1660)
Giuseppe Caletti (1600 - Ferrara, Italy, 1660) The court Jester from Dosso Dossi Oil on canvas, with frame cm. 172 x 136 Beautiful original frame in carved and gilded wood Oral expertise by Professor Enrico Maria Dal Pozzolo
35.000 €
Giuseppe Molteni (Affori (Milan), Italy, 1800 - Milan, Italy, 1867)
Giuseppe Molteni (Affori (Milan), Italy, 1800 - Milan, Italy, 1867) Portrait of a Lady , circa 1830 - 1835 Oil on canvas, without frame cm. 67 x 55 - with frame cm. 91.5 x 80 Beautiful original gilt wood frame Expertise...
25.000 €
Hendrick Govaerts (1669 - 1720)
Hendrick Govaerts (1669 - 1720) Genre scene Oil on canvas, cm. 49 x 58 Oral expertise by Lisa Greaves Hendrick Govaerts' activity takes place between two centuries: between the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century....
9.000 €
Hendrick van Somer or Someren or de Somer (1607 - 1656)
Hendrick van Somer or Someren or de Somer (1607 - 1656) Saint Jerome Oil on canvas, oval painting, without frame cm. 91 x 72 - with frame cm. 108 x 89 Antique frame
22.000 €
Jacob De Heusch (Utrecht, Paesi Bassi, 1657 – Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi, 1701)
Jacob DeHeusch Utrecht, 1657 – Amsterdam, 1701 Pair of landscapes , 50x80 Oil on canvas, cm. 50x80​ - with frame cm. 70x100 Cassette frames in gilded, carved, sculpted and engraved wood Publications: A. Busiri Vici d'Arcevia, Jacob de Heusch (1656...
46.000 €
Johann Carl Loth (Munich, Germany, 1632 - Venice, Italy, 1698)
Johann Carl Loth (Munich, Germany, 1632 - Venice, Italy, 1698) Saint Mark the Evangelist Oil on canvas, without frame cm. 65 x 72 - with frame cm. 82.5 x 88 Expertise by Professor Dario Succi Publications: M. Pulini, in Lo studiolo...
25.000 €
Juan Alfonso Abril (active in the 17th century Valladolid, Spain)
Juan Alfonso Abril (active in the 17th century Valladolid, Spain) Head of Saint Paul Oil on canvas, without frame cm. 48.5 x 62 – with frame cm. 63 x 76.5 Frame in shaped, ebonized wood and gilded parts In the...
9.000 €
Livio Mehus (Oudenaarde, Belgium, 1630 - Florence, Italy, 1691)
Livio Mehus (Oudenaarde, Belgium, 1630 - Florence, Italy, 1691) Allegory of the triumph of the Augustinian Order Oil on canvas, without frame cm. 94 x 120 - with frame cm. 116 x 143 Expertise by Professor Sandro Bellesi Publications: S....
55.000 €
Louis Cretey (Lyon, France, c. 1635 – c. 1702)
Louis Cretey (Lyon, France, c. 1635 – c. 1702) Saint Sebastian  Oil on canvas, without frame cm. 77 x 61 With carved and gilded wooden box frame
15.000 €
Luca Forte (Napoli, 1615 ca. - 1670 ca.)
Luca Forte (Napoli, 1615 ca. - 1670 ca.) Due melograni e una farfalla in volo Olio su tavola di pioppo, cm. 12.5 x 22 Perizia di Nicola Spinosa Pubblicazioni: inedito Questo delizioso dipinto inedito realizzato su supporto ligneo raffigura due...
55.000 €
Luca Forte (Napoli, 1615 ca. - 1670 ca.)
Luca Forte (Napoli, 1615 ca. - 1670 ca.) Noci, castagne, un grappolo d'uva e una mela cotogna (?) Olio su tavola di noce, cm. 12.5 x 22 Perizia di Nicola Spinosa Pubblicazioni: inedito Questo dipinto inedito realizzato su supporto ligneo...
45.000 €

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